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The Open-sourced Vertical Civic Tower

  • 19 Dec 2019 - 15 Mar 2020

  • 10:00 - 22:00


The urban experiment proposed to be carried out in the dense habitat of Hong Kong aims to investigate how BIG DATA is going to impact architecture, change the role of architects and achieve sustainability in open sourced process. Urban engagement will be conducted and big data will be collected on interactive mobile game application. Such data will be the basis to generate and regenerate the spatial and programmatic design of a mega multi-use civic tower in each of the city in an open-sourced design approach.

The positioning of the proposed design project imagines how a citizen-centric and open-sourced design process can be enhanced by the adoption of digital media and augmented reality in a responsive social engagement and design process, enabled by digital technology innovations, and investigates insights from common threads and differences in the quest for IDENTITY, LIVEABILITY and SUSTAINABILITY by the people.

The community and visitors will experience how design solutions may be changed by the collective citizen-centred preferences and needs.