
Urban Studies Programme / Department of Geography and Resource Management / Institute of Future Cities / Master of Science in Urban Design, School of Architecture – The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Co-organised by four institutions/ programmes of The Chinese
University of Hong Kong:

a. Urban Studies Programme
Urban Studies Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is an Interdisciplinary Programme to train Future Urban Leaders. The interdisciplinary Programme enables students to inquire broadly and deeply into the nature and dynamics of cities through the theoretical perspectives of different schools of thoughts, the rigorous application of skills and techniques for urban analysis, and the contextual learning of the world’s best practices in sustainable urban development, planning and design.

b. Department of Geography and Resource Management
Department of Geography and Resource Management offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with a curriculum to equip students with geographical knowledge and skills with an emphasis on effective resource management to achieve sustainable development.

c. Institute of Future Cities
CUHK Institute of Future Cities is a multidisciplinary research hub for researchers in diverse fields to collaborate in examining a wide range of past and present urban issues and to collectively envision, research and advocate innovative approaches to shape future cities to be environmentally friendly, economically prosperous and socially just.

d. Master of Science in Urban Design, School of Architecture
the Master of Science in Urban Design programme of the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong aims to prepare committed designers to engage with contemporary urban challenges. Through a multidisciplinary combination of design studios and focused modules, students develop design skills while integrating new knowledge about essential areas for urban design, such as community participation, ecosystems and transport networks.



  • 2019年 12月 19日 - 2020年 03月 15日

  • 10:00 - 22:00

  • 南豐紗廠


2012年, 社會科學院的地理與資源管理學系及建築學院合辦跨學科的城市研究課程,培育未來的城市領袖,使他們能以多元的角度探索及理解都巿議題,提出創新及可持續的方案。



香港中文大學城市研究課程、都市設計碩士課程、地理與資源管理學系、建築學院及未來城市研究所合辦的「遊動‧城市‧實驗坊」 ,除了將城市成為共同學習的空間,亦是一個讓學生、學者、專業人士和公眾從不同角度了解城市問題,共同創造俱地域性的知識平台,共同推動城市邁向可持續發展的未來。

– 城市研究課程的學生習作
– 未來城巿研究所的研究工作
– 地理與資源管理學系的學生項目
– 都市設計理學碩士課程的學生作品
– 過往舉辦過的海外實地考察
– 聯合國人居署「新城市議程」中的「城市思想家校園」活動